19th Century Cellists in the US: George Knoop (1797-1849)
“If you would hear the very soul tell all its deepest, most inner feeling, if you would listen to language as from another world and from...
19th Century Cellists in the US: George Knoop (1797-1849)
Tale of Two Cellists: Alwin Schroeder and Julius Klengel
Have Cello, Will Travel: Alwin's Toothbrushes
Telo-melo Cello: Step-Child of Gasparo?
More Cello Verses: Sonnets and Songs
"Soak 'em": Thomas Edison's Advice To A Cellist
"Sing, Cello Sing": Jane M. Mattingly's "The Cello"
Violoncello Voices, Part 2: From Eliot to Woolf
For Christa's Birthday: "Cello a mellow refrain"
Violoncello Voices, Part 1: Briand, Byran, Gielgud
Not So “Bass-ic”: Saying “violoncello”
Mellow Cello on the Mississippi: An 1819 Poem
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